John Hitchcock's 80th Party
Created by Julie Bannister
4th February 2023
This event has closed
I have the pleasure of saying that I met Vicky at St Nicolas Church service over 3 years ago. Vicky had the most distinctive and beautiful singing voice that always sung the hymns and carols with her great pride and joy 😊
We were both at a party one Saturday afternoon which had accordions playing and a barn-style dance going on. We had great fun joining in and my attempt was amateur compared to Vicky's input. Well then she showed me some of her videos on her phone of her amazing moves in doing Appalachian dancing with her team, it was a lovely surprise to see you all.
Vicky you are a beautiful soul who will stay in my heart always and forever ♥️
God Bless You, Dan, Eleanor and Suzie XxxX